Dictionnaire Français/Anglais


abdomen (nm) = abdomen
abeille (nf) = bee
abeille (nf) domestique (Apis mellifera) = honeybee or hive bee
abeilles (nfpl) = bees
acarien (nm) = mite or acarine mite
acariose (nf) = acarine disease
acide (nm) formique = formic acid
aiguillon (nm) = sting (organ)
aile (nf) = wing
ailes (nfpl) en croix = 'K' wings
alvéole (nm) = cell
alvéole (nm) royale = queen cell
antenne (nf) = antenna
apiculteur (nm) = beekeeper
apiculture (nf) = apiculture, beekeeping
apiculture (nf) pastorale = migratory beekeeping
arbre (nm) à abeille = bee tree
attire-essaim (nm) = bee bob


bac (nm) décanteur = decanting tank
balance (nf) = scales
barbe (nf) = barb
bâtir (vt) des rayons = to build comb
battre le rappel (vi) = to fan (with scent organ exposed)
bidon (nm) à miel = honey can or tin
blocage (nm) de ponte = restriction of brood rearing
boîte (nf) à essaim = swarm box
bourdon (nm) = bumble bee
bourdonner (vi) = to buzz, to hum
bourrache (nf) (Borago officinalis) = borage
bouteille (nf) à nourrissement = feeder bottle
brouette (nf) à fûts = drum barrow
brosse (nf) à abeilles = bee brush
brosse (nf) à pollen = pollen brush (1st & 2nd basitarsus), scopa (3rd basitarsus)
brosser (vt) = to brush (bees off comb)
bruire (vi) = to roar (angry buzzing)
butiner (vi) = to gather nectar, to work a plant
butineuse (nf) = forager, foraging bee


cadre (nm) = frame
cadre (nm) à couvain = brood frame
cadre (nm) à sections = section rack
cadre (nm) de hausse = super frame, shallow frame
cadre (nm) plein = dummy frame
cadres (nmpl) mobiles = movable frames
cage (nf) d'expédition = traveling cage
cage (nf) à reine = queen cage
caissette (nf) d'expédition = traveling box
calmer (vt) = to subdue (bees with smoke)
candi (nm) = candy
capturer = catch, to take (a swarm)
cavalier (nm) d'espacement = frame-spacing nail
cellule (nf) = cell
cellule (nf) royale = queen cell
centrifugeuse (nf) (pour les opercules) = cappings dryer
cérificateur (nm) solaire = solar wax extractor
chapeau (nm) d'apiculteur = bee hat
chasse-abeille (nm) = bee escape
chasse-abeille (nm) en losange = diamond-shaped bee escape
chasse-abeille (nm) plateau = clearer board or super clearer
chasser (vt) = to drive (bees)
chaudière (nf) à cire = wax extractor
chevalet (nm) à désoperculer = uncapping tray
cire (nf) d'abeilles = beeswax
cire (nf) gaufrée = foundation wax
cire (nf) gaufrée armée = wired foundation wax
cirière (nf) = wax-making bee
clarification (nf) = clarification
colonie (nf) = colony
colonie (nf) bourdonneuse = colony with laying worker or drone-laying queen
colza (nm) (Brassica napus var. oleifera) = rape seed, coleseed, colza
combustible (nm) (pour enfumoir) = (smoker) fuel
conditionner (vt) = to process (honey etc.)
conduite (nf) du rucher = method or system of management
consanguinité (nf) = inbreeding
consommation (nf) = consumption (of stores)
corps (nm) de ruche = brood chamber
couteau (nm) à désoperculer = uncapping knife
couvain (nm) = brood
couvain (nm) bourdonneux = brood of laying worker or drone-laying queen
couvain (nm) de mâles = drone brood
couvre-cadres (nm) = crown board
cristallisation (nf) = crystalization, granulation (of honey)
cueille-essaims (nm) = swarm catcher (net)


danse (nf) = dance
dard (nm) = sting
débris (nm) de cire (dans la ruche) = crumbs of wax (inside the hive)
deshumidificateur (nm) = dehumidifier
deshydrateur (nm) = dehydrator
désinfecter (vt) = to disinfect
désoperculer (vt) = to uncap
dextrose (nm) = dextrose
diastase (nf) = diastase
double paroi (adj), à = double-walled


éclaireuse (nf) = scout bee (before swarming)
éclore (vi) = to emerge (brood), to hatch (eggs)
élevage (nm) de reines = queen breeding / raising / rearing
enfumer (vt) = to smoke (bees)
enfumoir (nm) = smoker
enzyme (nm) = enzyme
essai (nm) = experiment
essaim (nm) = swarm
essaim (nm) artificiel = artificial or shook swarm
essaim (nm) primaire = prime swarm
essaim (nm) secondaire = cast swarm or after-swarm
étiquette (nf) à miel = honey label
extracteur (nm) centrifuge = centrifugal extractor
extraction (nf) de la cire = wax extraction
extraire (vt) = to extract (honey cetrafugally) or to render wax


facette (nf) = facet
faire (vt) la barbe = to cluster outside the entrace (in hot weather)
falsification (nf) = adulteration
fausse teigne (nf) = greater wax moth
faux-bourdon (nm) = drone
fermentation (nf) = fermentation
fondre (vt) = melt
fructose (nm) = fructose


gant (nm) d'apiculteur = bee glove
gardienne (nf) = guard (bee)
gâteau (nm) de miel = honeycomb
gelée (nf) royale = royal jelly
glucose (nm) = glucose
grain (nm) de pollen = pollen grain
grappe (nf) = cluster
grappe (nf) d'hivernage = winter cluster
grille (nf) à propolis = propolis collector
grille (nf) à reine = queen excluder


hausse (nf) = super, honey chamber
hiverner (vi) = to winter
hydromel (nm) = mead
hyménoptères (nmpl) = Hymenoptera


insecte (nm) = insect
invertase (nf) = invertase


jabot (nm) = honey sac, stomach, crop
jeune abeille (nf) occupée aux travaux intérieurs de la ruche = house bee


larve (nf) = larva
larve (nf) de fausse teigne = wax-moth larva
législation (nf) = legislation (beekeeping)
lève-cadres (nm) = hive tool
lévulose (nm) = laevulose
levure (nf) = yeast
loque (nf) = foul brood
loque (nf) américaine = American foul brood
loque (nf) européenne = European foul brood


maladie (nf) du couvain = brood disease
mâle (nm) = drone
mandibule (nf) = mandible
matériel (nm) apicole = beekeeping equipment or appliances
maturateur (nm) = honey ripener, honey tank
maturation (nf) = maturation, ripening
mèche (nf) soufrée = sulphur cartridge
mèche (nf) à bougie = candle wick
mélangeur (nm) = (honey) mixer
mettre en hivernage (vt) = to prepare bees for winter
miel (nm) = honey
miel (nm) ambré = amber honey (of color)
miel (nm) ambré clair = light amber honey
miel (nm) ambré extra-clair = extra light amber honey
miel (nm) ambré foncé = dark amber honey
miel (nm) blanc = white honey
miel (nm) brut = unprocessed or crude honey
miel (nm) de bruyère = heather honey
miel (nm) clair = light (-colored) honey
miel (nm) crémeux = creamed honey
miel (nm) extrait = extracted honey
miel (nm) extrait par chauffage = honey extracted by heating combs
miel (nm) de fleurs = flower honey, blossom honey
miel (nm) fluide = run honey, runny honey
miel (nm) foncé = dark honey
miel (nm) de forêt = honeydew honey
miel (nm) granulé = granulated honey
miel (nm) industriel = industrially produced honey
miel (nm) liquide = liquid honey
miel (nm) de nectar = flower or blossom honey
miel (nm) de pâtisserie = cooking or baking honey
miel (nm) de presse = pressed honey
miel (nm) en rayon = comb honey, honey in the comb
miel (nm) en section = section honey, comb honey
miel (nm) de sucre = honey from sugar fed bees
miel (nm) surchauffé = over-heated honey
miellat (nm) = honeydew
miellée (nf) = nectar or honey flow
miellée (nf) principale = main flow
miellerie (nf) = honey house
moule (nm) à cire = beeswax mould


nectaire (nm) = nectary
nectar (nm) = nectar
nettoyeuse (nf) = cleaning bee
nid (nm) à couvain = brood nest
nourrice (nf) = nurse bee
nourrissement (nm) spéculatif = stimulative feeding
nourrisseur (nm) = feeder
nucleus (nm) = nucleus (of colony)


oeuf (nm) = egg
operculé (adj) = sealed (of brood or honey cells)
operculer (vt) = to cap (cells)
opercules (nmpl) = cappings
ouvrière (nf) = worker bee
ouvrière (nf) pondeuse = laying worker bee


paquet (nm) d'abeilles = package bees
partition (nf) = division board
passage (nm) entre les cadres = beeway (between combs)
patte (nf) = leg (of insect)
pédoncule (nm) = peduncle
pelote (nf) de pollen = pollen pellet or load
période (nf) d'essaimage = swarming season
peupler (une ruche) (vt) = to stock (a hive with bees)
phéromone (nf) = pheromone
pillard (nm) = robber
piller (vt) = to rob
pince (nf) à cadres = frame tongs
piqûre (nf) = sting
plancher (nm) = floorboard
planchette (nf) de vol = alighting or flight board
plante (nf) butinée = bee plant
plante (nf) mellifère = nectar plant
plante (nf) pollinifère = pollen plant
plateau (nm) = bottom board
plateau (nm) chasse-abeille = escape board, super-clearer, clearer-board
pollen (nm) = pollen
pollinisation (nf) = pollination
pondre (vi) = to lay (eggs)
ponte (nf) = egg laying, oviposition
porte-cadres (nm) = frame holder
pot (nm) à miel = honey pot
pou (nm) des abeilles = bee louse
propolis (nf) = propolis
protéine (nf) = protein
provisions (nfpl) = stores


râcloir (nm) à désoperculer = uncapping plane, cappings scraper
rayon (nm) = comb
rayon (nm) bâti = drawn-out comb
rayon (nm) à couvain = brood comb
rayon (nm) de mâles = drone comb
rayon (nm) à miel = honey comb
rayon (nm) de miel = chunk honey
recherche (nf) = investigation, research
récolte (nf) de miel = honey harvest
récolter (vt) = to collect, to harvest, to extract
reine (nf) = queen
reine (nf) bourdonneuse = drone-laying queen
remplacement (nm) de la reine = requeening (by beekeeper)
rendement (nm) en miel = honey yield
réserves (nfpl) = stores
réservoir (nm) à venin = poison sac
réunir (vt) (des colonies) = to unite (colonies)
ruche (nf) = hive
ruche (nf) attire-essaim = decoy hive
ruche (nf) bourdonneuse = colony with laying worker or drone-laying queen
ruche (nf) à cadres mobiles = moveable-frame hive
ruche (nf) fixe = fixed-comb hive
ruche (nf) d'observation = observation hive
ruche (nf) en paille = butt (local) or skep
ruche (nf) vulgaire = ruskie (Scotland)
rucher (nm) = apiary, bee yard (US)
ruchette (nf) à nucléus = nucleus box or hive


saccharose (nm) = sucrose
séchoir (nm) à pollen = pollen dryer
sens (nm) de l'orientation = sense of location
sirop (nm) = syrup
société (nf) d'apiculture = beekeepers' association
souche (nf) = parent colony (of swarm), strain (genetics)
soufrer (vt) = to sulphur
sphinx (nm) tête de mort = death's-head hawk moth
spore (nf) = spore
sucre (nm) de betterave = beet sugar
sucre (nm) de canne = cane sugar
supercédure (nf) = supersedure


tapoter (vt) = to drum (on the hive)
toit (nm) = roof (of hive)
travaux (nf) de printemps = spring management
transhumance (nf) = migratory beekeeping
trappe (nf) à pollen = pollen trap
trompe (nf) = proboscis
trou (nm) de nourrissement = feedhole
trou (nm) de vol = entrance (of hive)


venin (nm) = venom
ventilation (nf) = ventilation
ventiler (vt) = to fan (to provide ventilation)
vinaigre (nm) de miel = honey vinegar, oxymel
visite (nf) de rucher = inspection (of apiary)
voile (nf) d'apiculteur = bee veil
vol (nm) = flight
vol (nm) nuptial = mating flight
vol (nm) d'orientation = orientation flight
vol (nm) de propreté = cleansing flight


zinc (nm) perforé = perforated zinc

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